Notification of Complaint & Scheduling

When a complaint is referred to the hearing process, the accused student shall be informed of the complaint and notified of a scheduled Hearing and hearing date. Notifications are generally sent to FSU email account(s). Confirmation of delivery by the University’s email server will be considered the confirmed delivery date and time of notification when delivery is made via FSU email. Once notified of the complaint, the accused student is expected to check their FSU student email account at least once each business day until the matter is resolved, including during vacation and summer periods. Conduct complaint proceedings, including hearings, are scheduled at times designated at the discretion of the hearing officer and are based on availability of staff. Scheduled meetings, hearings, and/or conferences are generally scheduled around the posted class schedule of the accused student and complainant. Requests to schedule around work, club, sport, or other schedules are generally not approved.

Framingham State University
RAM Student Handbook 2021-2022
All Rights Reserved